Myanmar is a [[Democracy|military dictatorship]] located in [[Asia]], near [[China]]. As the only [[country]] in the [[world]] that forbids the production and consumption of [[beer]], Myanmar recently made it into the international news and caused anger in the [[beer]] comunity. [[File:Myanmarflag.png|thumb|alt=A Myanmar.| The Flag of Myanmar]] Since Myanmar is also a member of the [[WDwUB]], it is generally known as an evil place. ''"But besides that, Myanmar is a very beautiful nation with great people, great culture and great nature."'' - Johann Frieder, [[Germany|german]] Journalist, captured and tortured by the Myanmar military. == History == In the early days of human history the Burmese people traveled trough the great landscapes of [[Mongolia]] and [[China]] until they finally reached Myanmar in [[1993]]. When they found a spot to settle, their leader, '''Le Tsettel Hee''', a military general started to coordinate and plan the construction of todays capital, Naypyidaw. But before the constructions even started Mr.Hee was overthrown by a military coup and a new general, '''Constrac John''' took over the leading position. When the capital was built, the infrastrucure provided the citizens with essential goods and services such as manicure and pedicure. Mr.John started to reform the political system. He started different campains and reforms. He also adopted a new law code. But accidentally, one law banned him from being the leader and then the military general '''Bannde Beere''' quickly got to the leading position and immediatly banned [[beer]] in the whole [[country]]. Mr.Beere caused anger in the international [[beer]] community. Many other countries gave up their political negotiations and even tried to punish Myanmar with sanctions. Mr.Beere did not anticipate this negative repercussion and was quickly overthrown by the new military general and leader '''Eve Ill Dee Monn''' Since then Mr.Dee Monn is the present leader and dictator of Myanmar. After the accession he joined the [[WDwUB]] and declared Myanmar as the most evil place in the [[world]]. But there are roumors that he could soon be overtrown by his opponent '''Widraa debann Foo Beere Ann Gettade Mocra Cee''', a military general. == Politics == The current leader is the military general Mr.Dee Monn. Monn has done different things for the country. None of them work very well. He joined the [[WDwUB]] and started different undercover military raids against [[Mongolia]] and [[Japan]]. == Economics == Since Myanmar does not produce [[beer]], the market index had some serious setbacks. The industry heavily depends on opium and jade. These two products are glorified and praised as an alternative to [[beer]]. == See also == [[country]] [[world]] [[beer]] [[Democracy]] [[WDwUB]] [[Category:Places]] [[Category:Countries]]