{{DQN Music}}
This song has been recored twice. Once by [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]], and then again by [[Captain Obvious]], both of which worked on the [[Title|really really long song]].
Return of the [[Sage]]
This Sucks
Disapperance of the Age
what what what?
I like summer and I want to harvest wheat wheat wheat with a sharp incisor.
am i in the song
A ghastly apparition!
( ≖‿≖) Just as planned
Bumped off the Front Page
[[under the moon loli to issho]]
Crap, >>12 12 got.
[[template:welcome|excuse me may i pass through here]]
i'm worthless piece of shit
goodbye world
No more air-jumping.
* [http://sites.google.com/site/dqndqnlol/ReturnoftheSageMixedaccordingtokeika.mp3 Return of the Sage (Mixed according to [[keikaku]])]