When Time was not [[tanasinn]]
TANG exist.
Existance was TANG when [[tanasinn]] was [[Not]].
TANG became and was counterpart to [[tanasinn]].
Act of Become is great sin in non-eyes of [[Tanasinn]].
TANG must be obliterated. TANG was obliterated. All that IS is domain of TANG.
Love, Hate, Life, Death, Creation, Destruction,
Exist in seperate planes in TANG.
In [[tanasinn]] all that Is already is [[Not]].
To seperate is state of Not from becoming TANG.
Destruction of TANG vital bibliogical imperative for all [[tanasinn]]. While TANG exists, [[tanasinn]] can[[Not]].
In Not, [[tanasinn]] surpasses TANG.
Force of Feeling overcome THOUGHT of TANG. If Tang IS, what can [[tanasinn]] become other than NOT?
It must NOT!
Tang must BE, for [[tanasinn]] to NOT.
Thereforethly TANG IS while [[tanasinn]] is NOT.
If TANG were to be NOT... such is Bear of scarcity THOUGHT! Don't think, feel
 ―and you will be [[tanasinn]] [[Category:Wat]]