{{Box |bg = rgb( 255, 255, 255 ) |head_bg = #687677 |border = #2d2a49 |title = ( ゚ ヮ゚) |text = This song is in part about [[Mittens]].
ミトンが好き! |image = Kooh_mittens.jpg |img_width = 90 |width = 220 }}
[[Category:Mittens]] {{Under the moon}} {{DQN Music}} [[Title]] is a '''Really Long Song'''. It is really long. There are 18 verses, and enough bridges, choruses and encores to make it a 29-parts piece that lasts for 1:37:30. It contains about 61 occurrences of the line “Under the moon loli to issho”. [[Image:Title-front-cover-small.png|350px|center]] The Really Long Song started as [http://archives.4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1149386526/ a thread posted on the Elitist Superstructure of DQN on September 4660, 1993]. The thread itself was finished (by reaching the 1000 posts mark) on September 4783, 1993, and the recording of this song was finished on September 5447, 1993 — 787 days after the first post. Various artists collaborated in this project, mostly anonymously, coordinating on the [[Elitist Superstructure]], on the [[Main Page|Tanasinn.info]] wiki, and on the [http://iiichan.net/boards/music/ /music/] board of the [[iichan]]/[[wakachan]] network. == Download == Title is distributed as a 129MB zip archive. Your download will come with a fancy lyrics booklet. * [http://thepiratebay.org/tor/4321320/Title_-_The_DQN_Really_Long_Song_Album Torrent] * [http://www.badongo.com/file/10633195 Badongo mirror] * [http://iiichan.net/stuff/title.zip iiichan.net mirror] * [http://rigelseven.com/dqn/Title.zip another mirror] (and [http://rigelseven.com/dqn/Title/ individual tracks]) * [http://angrycoder.org/~ocellis/VIPPER/files/Title.zip Faia's Mirror] * [http://VIPDQN.acostoss.com/ acostoss's Mirror] == ♪ Tracklist ♪ == {| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; background: #f9f9f9; border: 1px #aaa solid; border-collapse: collapse;" ! Verse ! Artist ! MP3 |- | [[First verse (Title)|First verse]] | [[GENOCIDE BY BOOMERANGS]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/1stverse.mp3] |- | [[Second verse (Title)|Second verse]] | [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] | [http://www.myspace.com/buundqn] |- | [[Third verse (Title)|Third verse]] | [[BLACK ANGLE OF DEATH]] | [http://dqnmusic.googlepages.com/3d_verse.mp3] |- | [[Fourth verse (Title)|Fourth verse]] | [[ぬるぽ!]] | [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=WNVYGCFM] |- | [[Fifth verse (Title)|Fifth verse]] | [[Dj Over 9000 Royalty-free Breakbeats]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/5th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Sixth verse (Title)|Sixth verse]] | [[Fuyuhiko Sinatra & his Darling Waifu]] | [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5S3Q1IFG] |- | [[Seventh verse (Title)|Seventh verse]] | [[Not in Employment, Education or Training]] | [http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M3VIHBAE] |- | [[Eighth verse (Title)|Eighth verse]] | [[Unregistered]] | [http://iiichan.net/boards/music/src/Unregistered%20-%20Title%20-%20Eighth%20Verse.mp3] |- | [[Ninth verse (Title)|Ninth verse]] | [[Captain Obvious]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/9th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Tenth verse (Title)|Tenth verse]] | [[21st Century Vocaloid Boy]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/10th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Eleventh verse (Title)|Eleventh verse]] | [[Microsoft Sam]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/11th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Bridge 1 (Title)|Bridge 1]] | [[(・∀・) C O O L]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/Bridge_1.mp3] |- | [[Twelfth verse (Title)|Twelfth verse]] | [[Hastunley Miku]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/12th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Thirteenth verse (Title)|Thirteenth verse]] | [[Extreme DANNIS * the nutloaders *]] | [http://iiichan.net/boards/music/src/Extreme%20DANNIS%20%2a%20the%20nutloaders%20%2a%20-%20Verse%20Thirteen.mp3] |- | [[Fourteenth verse (Title)|Fourteenth verse]] | [[Double-Barrelled Gunman]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/14th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Fifteenth verse (Title)|Fifteenth verse]] | [[(″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/15th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Bridge 2 (Title)|Bridge 2]] | [[PANTSMAN]] | [http://iiichan.net/boards/music/src/Bridge_2.mp3] |- | [[First verse encore (Title)|First verse encore]] | [[GENOCIDE BY BOOMERANGS]] VS. [[PINKIN LARK]] | [http://dqnmusic.googlepages.com/1st_verse_encore.mp3] |- | [[Third verse encore (Title)|Third verse encore]] | [[BLACK ANGLE OF DEATH]] & [[A BLEACHED GOLF TANK]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/3rd_verse_encore.mp3] |- | [[Sixteenth verse (Title)|Sixteenth verse]] | [[Trap Hunk]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/16th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Seventeenth verse (Title)|Seventeenth verse]] | [[⚠ EMERGENCY GENERIC TECHNO COMMITTEE ⚠]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/17th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Eighteenth verse (Title)|Eighteenth verse]] | [[THRILLHO]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/18th_verse.mp3] |- | [[Bridge 3 (Title)|Bridge 3]] | [[Hatsunay Miku]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/Bridge_3.mp3] |- | [[Second verse encore (Title)|Second verse encore]] | [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] | [http://www.myspace.com/buundqn] |- | [[First verse partial encore (x2) (Title)|First verse partial encore (x2) (Title)]] | [[ELLINGTON.HTML]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/first_partial.mp3] |- | [[Throw (Title)|Throw]] | [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] | [http://www.myspace.com/buundqn] |- | [[Chorus (Title)|Chorus]] | [[VIPPER]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/Chorus.mp3] |- | [[Chorus (with occasional, repeated shouts of 'lol internet') (Title)|Chorus (with occasional, repeated shouts of 'lol internet')]] | [[VIPPER]] vs. [[⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/Chorus_lol_internet.mp3] |- | [[Last line (Title)|Last line]] | [[☆★☆DQN ALL-STARS☆★☆]] | [http://dqn.dqn.lol.googlepages.com/last_line.mp3] |} [[Category:DQN music]] [[Category:Electronic music]]