[[Welcome to Rei's]] is an acclaimed [[sitcom]] created by [[DQN-kun]] in association with [[Elitist Superstructure]] Productions. It premiered shortly after [[September]] 4866, [[1993]] (the actual date is unclear, possibly due to [[Tang|disturbances in the Space-Time Continuum]] during this period.)
The series is well-known for both its opening song, [[Anime Made Me A Child Molester]], and for spawning the [[Meme|catchphrase]] "It's too much [[metal]] for one hand!"
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== Original Press Release ==
Coming soon from Elitist Superstructure Productions: "Welcome to Rei's," a hilarious sitcom about the antics of the Frankenstein family and their life in [[DQN|Dokyu~n]] Village. Laugh as Hello Kitty and [[Spiderman]] attend [[2GET]] High, and play pranks on their neighbours [[Sasuga Brothers|The Sasuga Brothers]]! It's too much [[Metal|metal]] for one hand! And, sing along with the catchy theme song!
I love [[Anime|anime]] so much
It's a mute point
It made me touch them, and I loved it
You have an alarm waiting for you in Goldmine.
[[( ゚ ヮ゚)]] [[Mittens]]
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You have an alarm waiting for you in Goldmine.
OAHRb aohrae rq3 43q ???!
** Brought to you by mittens **
[[Category:DQN]] [[Category:Film and Television]]