WHITE IS THE COLOR OF ALL RACISTS'' SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN [http://whenim.nigge.rs/ FACT] "White" is [[tanasinn]].
"Black" is [[tanasinn]].
You perceive colour that is [[Not]].
What is colour? It is rumbings of dimensions inside strings of time.
That which you see is darkness.
Light is [[science|fiction]].
[[Quantum mechanics]] have already arrived.
The [[cat]] is no longer alive nor dead.
Through vibrations of [[tanasinn]] all is already One.
Gravity is become affectation of warping of Time by Light.
Through Light, Light is White.
Faster Than White travel is not possible without nor within [[tanasinn]]. Don't think, feel
 ―and you will be tanasinn {{tanastub}} [[Category:Colors]] [[Category:Wat]]