Kouyama Mitsuki

This article deals with a controversial subject.

Please keep reverting this article to the version you like best until the other guys give up.

        ∧_∧   ┌────────
      ◯( ´∀` )◯ < For me, it's Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!!
       \    /  └────────
      _/ __ \_
     (_/   \_)

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    |三ヲ ( !.{f.l|{.}.!l |゙!、l、!i"≦
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    7Z. ヽfヽ⌒ , ⌒jメ、
     ̄   ~ゝ 、ワ / < I am Kouyama Mitsuki-chan!!
      ,.‐、-t}. `"ヒr-、,,_  
      /  \\ー-|  /゙!

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             ..::⌒>.、:: ...::/::.::/::.:: ヽ::.::.\::....::x<⌒::.
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