I'm a big fat butt


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Full MP3 Albums

Recorded Singles

Lyrics of future hits

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Also known as the really short song, this short DQN song is about the author being a big fat butt. Depending how you count, it is pretty much the 11th DQN song. It was written, released, and first performed in one hour on September 4682, 1993.

Among its notable features, besides its shortness, is the fact that under the moon loli to issho is not mentioned even once.


i'm a big fat butt

i'm a big fat butt in popular culture



Whether the lyrics are

i'm a big fat butt


i'm a big fat butt
i'm a big fat butt

has been widely debated. Assholes just use >>10's words as fact.

4th box

This article already contains three notification boxes, not including this one.

This fourth box notifies you of their presence.

5th box

This article contains a fourth notification box that notifies you of three other notification boxes present in this article.
This fifth box notifies you of its presence.

6th box

This article contains a fifth notification box that notifies you of four other notification boxes in this article. This sixth box notifies you of its presence.

This article also contains the same number of worthless notification boxes as valuable ones.

God knows

This article has had the same picture of Haruhi appear 3 times, excluding its appearance in this box.

You must now masturbate.

Wiki terrorism

>>11, a terrorist, has recommended that "[s]ince it's a wiki, just make someone switch between the two once a day or so."

However, the Elitist Superstructure finds wiki terrorism distasteful, and will continue to recommend the two-line interpretation.



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