Tenth verse (Title)

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To record this verse, 21st Century Vocaloid Boy collaborated with King Crimson, T.Rex, and a bitch who got in the way.


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Long like an incisor
Miton ga suki!
Sharp like a kaiser
Assfuck That penguin! Assfuck That Penguin!!
1, 2, 3, RED BOTTOM
Mui mui

Hoppy Poppy~
Hoopy Poopy~
under the moon loli to issho
His Head
Fuck His Head
Fuck His Head

Assfuck That penguin! Assfuck That Penguin!!

yumbo, yumbo jive. mighty fine day to be alive.
under the dark of night, JISAKU JIEN to issho
So when does the next verse start? Oh, 517.
DRR... DRR... DRR...
My name is not Squeeks
His Head

Fuck His Head
Fuck His Head

move bitch get out of the way
You sleep in the wet
Assfuck That penguin! Assfuck That Penguin!!
under the moon loli to issho

Just wondering to what extent the robe activation for meisters
with masters go. IF Arika kept a bottle Mashiro's saliva, and
if voice recognition is require (cause sometimes they don't
even say release your power before kissing it), recorded her
voice then dabbed a bit of saliva on the gem and played the
audio, would she be able to materialize?

What if her lips or tongue were mysteriously cut off, would
Arika be able to use those and touch her gem with it?

How does the ring keep track if the master is dead or alive?

we are getting tired

I want to use that a loyal for a person killed.
rei in der tube
fivehundred geet


At this rate, it will only take 115 more days.

Take my hand and follow me to bed.
Take my bed and follow me to hand
Take my bed and hand me to a fellow


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Say you love me
As the moos shines upon us
under the moose, loli to issho
the world is empty
like my hart
but not my heart
this song... it was made for me!
The jerk claled me a pedophile
In the dark of night
he looks like a crocodile
and wasn't very bright.

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